Yankey/Yankie family
Date: 3/25/2005 6:29:27 PM EST
"Linda McFarland" email:
Hi, I just found your website and am excited to know of someone working
on this tree. My grandmother, Nettie Yankie Horner, was the daughter
of Andrew Jackson Yankie, all of whom lived and died in Adams County,
Ohio. I live in Locust Grove, OH, just a mile from the cemetery where
many of the Yankie's are buried. If I can be of any help to you,
please email me.
Linda Horner McFarland
Yankey/Nesselrodt history
Date: 10/2/2004 5:41:18 PM EST
Hi there! I found it interesting to find a reference to Frederick
Nesselrodt on your web site. He is my wife's Great-Great-Great Grandfather.
The name changed to Nasalroad and was my mother-in-law's maiden name.
We have been trying to trace his family back to Germany, so far without
success. I would be happy to share any information that I have on
the family. I would also like to hear from anyone who is looking into
this family history.
Malcolm Crawford, Salem, Utah
letter to editor -- seeking info Adams Co native son 
From |
Craig Springer |
To |
rroslund |
Mon, Aug 16, 2010 10:44 pm |
Greetings, I am a member of the Hillsboro Historical Society, located in Sierra County, New Mexico. Our active society is presently writing a book in the Arcadia Publishing's "Images of America" series, where we will tell our history through historic images, royalties going to the HHS. Our town history, and your family history intersect in Joesph Trimble Yankie. As you probably know, he's credited with naming Hillsboro, NM where he found gold. Having lived in Ohio, I can tell you the lay of the land in Hillsboro NM is somewhat similar to Hillsboro, OH. I am writing to ask if you have images of Joe T. Yankie. We also need biographical information. I have seen the scanned images of the family bible. Is there any other materials with Joe T Yankie's name on it? Any leads would be appreciated. Write me at or 505 286 1770 You can see some of our history, here: Regards, Craig Springer Hillsboro, New Mexico USA
Yankey family 
From |
darylrobininman |
To |
rroslund |
Hello Rebecca,
I found your contact info on the Yankie/Yankey Cousins website. The greatest obstacle I have encountered researching my family tree has do do with my great grandmother who was born Adeline or Adaline Tennessee Yankee, known as Addie. I wondered if you could shed any light on this, as I am at a loss. I have her birth as Dec. 3, 1852 in Yazoo Mississippi. She married Thomas Nathan Blackmon on Nov. 13, 1872 in Yazoo County, Mississippi.By the 1900 census she was living in Navarro County Texas. She died on Feb. 7, 1932 in Limestone County, Texas. She was widowed by then and living with her son, my grandfather, W.R. Blackmon and his family in Limestone county. She is buried three miles from here in Point Enterprise Cemetery in the little community of Point Enterprise, Texas She gave birth to 8 children during her lifetime. Here is my problem-- I can find no Yankees in Mississippi that I could connect her to. There was a Mary Adeline Yankey, but I'm sure that is not her. I have no clue who her parents were. The spelling of Yankee/Yankey/Yankie could be the problem, but I am not sure. I know there are some books out there , but I can't find one for sale. Do you have any information you could share that might help me with this enigma? I would love to hear from you.
Jul 10 2012
Hello Stacey: Thank you for the lineage summary, it helps to determine the direction of your research.
I suggest the following: go to our website home page and find the notification about a 470 page book written by Phil Baker called "Movers and Settlers, The Yankey Family". This book is the most complete documentation regarding the Yankey/Yankie/Yankee family name. I'm not sure if Phil Baker still has any of these books available but if he does, I recommend that you buy one. I have copied Phil on this email as a way of introducing you.
Next step: Contact Barbara H. Mahoney in Sacramento, California. Barbara does not use email but is more than willing to discuss your lineage because her husband has the same lineage to a certain point. Barbara's phone number is 916-456-8987.
You may know that the Yankey family branches out from the mountains along the Virginia/West Virginia boarder to many locations. If you are serious about learning the roots and travels of the Yankey family, the book from Phil is a great investment. I would be happy to assist you any way I can.
Gerald W. Yankie
605 Overlook Road
Simi Valley, CA 93065
On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 7:36 PM, Stacey Cottone <> wrote:
Thanks for contacting me! This is the information I have gathered so
far, I am in the beginning stages of my research so I don't know how
exact the information is as I have come across some conflicting
Here's my lineage:
Michael Yankey
Magdaline Hottinger
Jacob Yankey 1793
Judith Dove Riggleman 1811
Jonathan W. Yankey 1828
Hannah Cassner
Mary Jane Yankey 1858
Levi Lipscomb 1839
Catherine Lipscomb 1890
Murray W. Steele 1885
Albert Murray Steele 1912
Dorothy Grove 1913
Barbara Steele 1934
John Husebo 1933
Sue Husebo 1955
Thomas Zimmerman 1950
Stacey Zimmerman (Cottone) 1980
On Mon, Jul 9, 2012 at 9:01 PM, Gerald Yankie <> wrote:
> Thank you for your email about the Yankey family. We are interested in your relationship with Michael Yankey who married Magdalena Hottinger. Please let us know about your family line. Note that Micheal Yankey was a small child at the time of the Revolutionary War.
> Gerald Yankie
> Simi Valley, CA
Fwd: Yankey Home in Virginia
May 3 2011
Hello Yankey Cousins:
Our cousin, Phil Baker, has completed writing his book on the Yankey Family and is ready to go to the book printer. This book covers Yankey history in America back to before the Revolutionary War. Phil has done a tremendous amount of research on the Yankey family and I am looking forward to this publication.
I asked Phil if I could alert some Yankey/Yankie relatives that may be interested in obtaining one of his books. Contact Phil directly if you are interested. Also, please pass this email along to any that you may know that would be interested in this book. Once it is printed in the original edition, I doubt there will be any new printings.
Yours truely, Gerald Wayne Yankie
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Phillip L. Baker <>
Date: Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 2:30 PM
Subject: Re: Yankey Home in Virginia
To: Gerald Yankie <>
When we visited the home site it was very late in the day an almost dark. The building described as "cider barn" was only the stone bottom as the upper wood had fallen.
I did not recognize the remains of the home of Michael Yankey but that older "new home" was mostly there.
I will order six books. I assume that you would wish the spiral bound books. I print two styles one soft, spiral and one hard back. The hard back costs about 25-30 dollars more for the cover. The material is the same. The soft cover opens flat like any spiral book and the hard cover "stands" like any hard cover book. The hard cover is in black simulated leather. All of my books have the same format. I have attached a copy sample of the two types for the Moore book that was done a few years ago. The Yankey book will look the same.
I would estimate that the cost of the soft cover will be about 55-60 dollars mailed and the hard cover 80-85 mailed.
It usually takes the book company about two weeks for the first proof and then about 1-2 weeks to complete the books. I am going to take the CD to the company tomorrow.
Let me know which type or types of book that you want me to save for you.
----- Original Message -----
From: Gerald Yankie
To: Phil Baker
Sent: Tuesday, April 19, 2011 12:46 PM
Subject: Yankey Home in Virginia
Hello Phil:
I just talked with Barbara Mahoney. She mentioned that your Yankey Book is ready for press. Please order six copies for me.
She asked me about the photos taken by Mary Ann Horton on July 27, 1991 on the Michael Yankey farm on top of Shenandoah Mountain.
I will send four 4" x 6" photos of that farm taken in 1991 but the one Barbara is most interested in is what Barbara calls the barn or old apple cellar.
The inscription on the back of the "barn" photo is: "An old apple cellar on top of the Shenandoah Mtn.- down the hill and up another is the Yankie cemetery. Walking out of the cellar you would almost be directly facing the cemetery".
I will send these photos by US mail today.
Regards, Jerry Yankie
Yankey family 
George H. Yankey
Oct 14 2009
Hi ,
My name is George H. Yankey. I was born in Perryville, Kentucky on June 3, 1925.
My parents were James Debo Yankey ( 16 Feb. 1870 - 20 Mar. 1959 ) and Myrtle Edwards Yankey ( 26 Feb. 1890 - 9 June 1954 ).
My grandparents on my father,s side were Willian G. Yankey (22 Nov. 1827 - 26 Jan. 1915 ) and
Mary Demeree ( 25 June 1838 - 27 Jan. 1915 ). My grandparents on my mother,s side were George Berry Edwards
( 5 May 1855 - 15 Mar. 1928 ) and Susan Newton Edwards ( 22 Feb. 1862 - 1 Jan, 1933 ).
George Yankey